Joseph W. Dougherty – Campaign Chair
Chief Executive Officer of LPX Group; Foundation Chair-Elect
We are indeed proud to introduce our Capital Campaign Leadership Cabinet, a group of men and women from across the Archdiocese of Louisville who share our passion for providing a Catholic education to any family in need who yearns for this life-changing gift for their children.
May God bless each of them for their great works!
Chief Executive Officer of LPX Group; Foundation Chair-Elect
Retired physician
Pastor, Church of the Holy Spirit and Saint Leonard Parishes; Foundation Board member
Retired Healthcare Executive
Vice President, Catholic Education Foundation
Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Archdiocese of Louisville; Foundation Board member
Pastor, Church of the Holy Spirit and Saint Leonard Parishes; Foundation Board member
President, Dahlem Realty Company; Former Foundation Board Chair
Chief Executive Officer of LPX Group; Foundation Chair-Elect
Chief Commercial Officer, Pathfinder Sustainability Data; Foundation Secretary
Principal, Dale Gettelfinger Capital LLC
Retired physician
Secretary-Treasurer, Nally & Hamilton Enterprises